Various situations involving a PC that could nolonger boot, have come across my desk over the past 12 years, sometimes due to boot viruses, sometimes due to other reasons that mess up the boot sector of the harddrive, and I have found myself coaching clients to find their OS recovery disk, borrowing it from friends, or asking if they have a floppy drive!
For clients that have had none of those resources, there’s been little I could do. One tech friend/co-worker came up with an XP recovery disk of sorts for a short time, and I did eventually find a website containing a wide range of bootable disk options, but most of them were complicated to work into a usable format for the client. As most of my clients at that time were longdistance, it didn’t make sense to attempt walking them through how to create these disks.
Various antivirus companies have suggested that you make recovery disks using their software in the past. Norton and McAfee both have offered this ability. Now it’s AVG’s turn, and they are offering it in two formats: CD and USB.
I have been a longtime fan of AVG because of its hold-out in continuing to offer free software to home and non-profit users. So I was pleased to see that this offering of a rescue disk is available to these users as well!
Follow the link: and download which ever version you want, and get it onto the desired media. For Kelowna-area residents, if you want to do this but are not sure how to burn a ISO image to CD, or are uncomfortable installing to a USB drive, FCS can offer to do this for you at the usual consulting rate. For out-of-town assistance, phone or email FCS to arrange for an online session so that I can do this at your computer. You will need to be present to insert and retrieve your chosen media form(CD or USB).
Once created, this disk, along with your OS installation/recovery/restoration disk, and any driver disks for your computer and external peripherals, should all be placed in an accessible safe place not too far from your computer. Software disks should also be placed with this collection. Then when your computer won’t boot, you can reach for the AVG Rescue CD/USB, and go from there.
Many of the tools on the disk are for those who are technically savvy. If you don’t classify yourself as technically savvy, or just can’t be bothered with wasting your time fixing a computer when you have better things to do(I know a few people like this, very technically savvy, but just don’t want to deal with it), give FCS a call any time your Rescue disk is needed, and I will do the work of restoring your system back to working order for you.
Thank you AVG for offering this tool!!!